Sage Hegdal
Shé:kon sewakwé:kon wa’tkwanonwerá:ton. Karihwénhawe yónkyats. Wakhs karé:wake. Kanyen’kehá:ka niwakonhwentsyó:ten. Kenhtè:ke nithoné:non ne akhwá:tsire. Wek tsi nòn:wa tiki:teron Tyosarnóntyon.
Hello everyone, my name is Sage Hegdal. I am Mohawk and European. My family is from Kenhtè:ke, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, but now I live in the Detroit area. I am bear clan. I was a breastfeeding mother who struggled in different ways with each child, and breastfeeding support was critical to my success. After struggling myself, I became a La Leche League leader to help support other people who wanted to breastfeed. This led to my involvement with other Indigenous people who also desired more support for breastfeeding and birthing people, and eventually my connection with Sacred Waters Collective. I am a certified Indigenous Brestfeeding Counselor and certified Indigenous Doula, although I currently offer administrative support to Sacred Waters Collective. My full time job is with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources – Trail System and Services. My educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University in Parks and Recreation and a Master’s degree from Oakland University in Public Administration. I have 25 years of experience working with non-profit organizations and community programming. I live with my partner, Bob, my three children, and two dogs. I enjoy camping, hiking, beadwork, and sewing. I am passionate about bringing birth practices and ceremony back to our community, especially in the urban environment where many people are away from their communities and, like me, may have lost cultural knowledge through colonization. Sacred Waters Collective is here to support you.